Dear Me...
Life is too short..So live your life without regret...
Live and enjoy life .... Sometimes, U have to face with many problems and obstacles... and sometime U have to hurt yourself , just to make someone happy.But it's okay. Life will teach you how to live..
Dear Heart,
sorry for the damage..I know U can't stand anymore...But please, be strong..No matter how hurt the past was..don't overburden your head for keep thinking about the past.. Stop wasting your time.!
Dear Eyes,
I'm sorry for the tears..I know why you cry...but don't you worry. This hand will shed the tears for you..
What do i supposed to do with you...?
Because the Life, the Heart and the Eyes has been totally hurts because of you..
I want to shout aloud " STAY AWAY FROM ME " but, U never hear me..
Poor me...
But now, i know i should welcome U.. "Welcome Home Love".. Because now i know, only LOVE can complete a person :)